Monday, 25 July 2011

O produtor Salaam Remi liberou uma canção feita por Amy em 2009, enquanto estava em Santa Lucia no Caribe.

Ouça aqui.
The producer Salaam Remi released a song made by Amy in 2009 while she was in Santa Lucia in the Caribbean.

Listen here.

Images: Reproduction

Sunday, 24 July 2011

RIP Amy.

Image: Reproduction

Friday, 22 July 2011

O site I waste so much time faz jus ao seu nome. Com imagens super divertidas, é ótimo para perder tempo mesmo!

The webpage I waste so much time make justice to its name. Full of funny images it's literally perfect to waste a lot of time.

Images: Reproduction

Thursday, 14 July 2011

A nova campanha de inverno da Hugo Boss está com um ar cítrico, cheia de laranjas. O ensaio é de Matt Jones. Sexy ou over?

The new Hugo Boss 2012 winter campaign is a bit citric, full of oranges. Sexy or over?

Images: Reproduction